Friday, November 11, 2011



I woke up to this message from my friend Bea:

The train is approaching the station; you can hear the whistle blow as it winds around the corner into view. There is a gentle rumbling beneath your feet as it slows down to align with the boarding platform. You glance down at the ticket in your hand and notice that the present station reads, “Been There, Done That.” As you turn the ticket over the new destination reads, “My Life’s True Happiness.” While you sit and ponder the possibilities of where this might take you, the conductor calls out, “All aboard, last call!”

The date of 11-11-11 is one of the most powerful shifts in human awareness that we will experience in our lifetimes. It is a rare opportunity to release lifetimes of karmic scripting and ancestral entrapment—entrapment in the sense of the conscious and unconscious habit patterns which have us wondering why we can’t seem to actualize the life we really want to have, and that we know is possible. 

Many people are presently feeling, “I can’t go on like this anymore, I just can’t live like this another day.” While we long for that which is original and exciting, we may feel burdened by the fear of not knowing the consequences of the changes we desire. So many stay trapped in the generational karma of, “Well, my father was a cobbler, so I guess I’ll always be one too.” Or, “My mother did what she was told, so I better play it safe too.” You don’t need to imagine there is a burning hell in some other dimension, because both these situations can feel like a living hell over time.

“Don’t worry, because you make yourself small by worrying, by being afraid. Expand. Trust in the Infinity of God. The Infinity of God shall come through you.”

The message is clear
and it´s still 1PM (EST) 

Here we go

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