Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Is it all political?

As many of you know, I am all into studying and evaluating the connections between art/aesthetics and social change.  Como siempre pasa, este interés lleva a que esté muy en sintonía con todo lo que tiene que ver con physchology, art, human  behaviour, the mind, society, politics. (como cuando uno quiere un coche y de repente no para de verlo por todas partes).  If anyone were to ask, I would have to say that these are the "key words" that rule my life nowadays. (Well... and Sandy Hook )

A couple of weeks ago while waiting at Ezeiza Airport (Buenos Aires) to come back home, I was reading a great, great article from this artsy magazine that Tony had given me a few days before.  The article focused on the  29th Sao Paulo Biennial and discussed how Biennales in SP have an "ongoing fixation  on the relationship between art and politics..." 
The article presented an interesting critique /analysis on the concept of art and politics asking where an artist or curator's commitment to radical politics and social change begins and ends (I would add to that and where the human rights activists/educator's role begins and ends in the art world) and discussing the influence of philosophers like Alain Badiou or Jacques Ranciere and his Politics of Aesthetics.
The key question raised that I now want to raise to y'all, my readers :) is:
While we all agree  that "given the bleak state of our planet [...] to avoid addressing  politics would seem a dreadful sin for any enlightened and socially conscious individual," how can we tap into the power of art to ensure that we don't go to a gallery space just  to be told something we can read in the newspaper ? How can we do effective art that leads to real social change?

Emory Douglas Black Panthers

El Gernika de Picasso


Oliviero Toscani for United Colors of Benetton

Monday, August 29, 2011

After all the weather related intensity of this past weekend
it was nice and refreshing to get up to this

All from really cool blog/community The Critical Slide Society

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Time para aculturarme

Among other things, Irene gave me some quality time
to read.
After three months (shame on me)
I finished
"The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character and Achievement"

A good libro de referencia
for those interested in emotional intelligence
and human behavior.

A few things that caught my attention
and helped me understand un poco mas:

"Maturity means understanding, as much as possible, the different characters and modules that are active inside your head."

And for those of us committed to
social change:

"Technical knowledge alone would not change behaviour. Raising awareness is necessary but insufficient...moral and cultural knowledge, the kind of knowledge that changes lives,
viewpoints, and morality, and through those larger patterns alters the unconscious basis
of behaviour."

Next sources of aculturamiento:

Material para mi projecto


Material para my full enjoyment

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Greatest

Last night, Juncal and I went to see Cat Power.

I thought by now I could put together somewhat of a reflection...
but I've been facing the monitor for approx 5 mins
and nothing comes out.

I guess, she is just The Greatest.
Happy Saturday from
Hurricane City

Thursday, August 25, 2011

End of the day

Parece que le estoy pillando el gustillo a esto del blogging.
It's almost the end of the day (11:10PM)
and the end of my work week (Alleluia).

Mayor Bloomberg nos anuncia que
Irene might be reaching the island of Manhattan this weekend
so we, city people, are trying to keep cool
and pretend we have Irene under control...
Just in case, we have received our Hurricane Evacuation Kit
and instructions on how to create our Go Bag!

Noe, Juncal and I have also decided no pasar la noche del sabado
solas :)
porque como dice Noe: da miedito.

I will keep you posted

Para despedirme
una foto adecuada
la ocasion.

Pic by Tony Gasparro from Canada

It's not me but it's neat.  From here

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This morning I saw this in the blog 2 or 3 THINGS I KNOW

Mi primera entry...

Llevo meses intentando decidir que hacer con este blog/espacio...

Por una parte me apetece pero por otra parte me intimida...

siento que tengo que tener una idea propia y pulida

antes de escribir, lanzarlo y "hacerlo público"

Ademas me pregunto...y a quién va destinado?

a otros?


es simplemente mi pequeño archivo

donde guardar aquellas cosas

que me llaman la atención

que me inspiran

que me parecen bonitas

y asi no tener 5 pequeños cuadernos con notas por todas partes?

En fin, que me aburro de tanto pensar y meditar

y he decidido empezar...

Ya se verá en lo que se convierte!

Ahi va la primera entry...