Sunday, December 30, 2012

Saying good-bye

In a few hours, we will be saying good-bye to 2012
and with it, to a lot of other things.

Usually on the last day of the year,
people is more centered on entering the new year
 than on saying good-bye to the "old" one.
It's not coincidence that my tone today is more of farewell than of welcome.

Sometimes, things happen so abruptly and unexpectedly
that our inner and outer bodies are not skilled enough to follow the speed
and it leaves you in an utter state of confusion and limbo.

And as I have been saying over the last few months
(maybe it's my 2012 final conclusion)
you have no other choice but fight for what you believe in
 and when nothing results
take life as it comes,
and hope that with time, just like the seasons pass
and we understand why fall follows summer,
you will be able to understand why certain things happen
in the way and timing that they do.

This is probably my last entry for 2012.
I will not end it on a "low" note.
I no longer know who reads me and I like that.
Thank you to that ambiguous group of readers
for another year.

I wish you a peaceful farewell 
and a hopeful welcome. 



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"She believed a great happiness awaited her somewhere, and for this reason she remained calm as the days flew by." (Gyula Krudy)

I leave in one month.
And between now and my departure date
we have the holidays:
Xmas, New Years, Los Reyes Magos
and the best shopping sale of the year (at least in Spain).

So, by the time that life comes back to normal, 
I will only have 10 days to leave my European experience
and depart to the USA...

It would be very much me 
to rush and make an evaluation of the experience
at this time.

Instead, I'll stop myself,
take a different personality,
and wait a few more weeks...

Happy Wednesday, December 19th.

I Will Wait (acoustic) - Mumford & Sons

Monday, December 10, 2012


Human What?
Human Rights What?


Just like St Valentine's, Mother's Day or Labor Day
A day fully dedicated to commemorate, celebrate, reflect and 
HOPEFULLY commit to the plight of
"those things" that although you and I may take for granted
are costing lives and much suffering around the world.

Sad that a month before St Valentine's Day
the streets and stores are decorated with red hearts and balloons
ensuring that we don't forget the day,
and that for HUMAN RIGHTS DAY
(are you hearing me? H-U-M-A-N  R-I-G-H-T-S
I am talking about YOUR RIGHTS)
there are no signs out there
to make sure that NOBODY goes on with their day
without at least KNOWING that today's IT'S YOUR DAY.

as abstract as that may sound
it's what allows you to eat, be, live, love, work and breathe freely....

(Just to name a few)

This year, 
the spotlight is on creating the structures and support

Make use of your RIGHT!

Happy Day.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Random thoughts

Greetings from Spain.  We arrived two days ago...
I don't have much to report yet.
It's been raining pretty much since we came,
so we've stayed in most of the time.

I also have a big headache
and a muscle contracture, 
so not feeling the greatest.

This morning the sun came out for a few seconds
and delighted us with this awesome rainbow

 I had never seen one this clear before.

Old feelings and memories are emerging and overwhelming me.

I want the sun to shine
literally and metaphorically.

I feel some slit of peace in being here.