Monday, June 4, 2012

Strawberry Moon

A perfect combination that deserves to be the topic of today's post.

Strawberry Moon: A Native American name for the moon during the short strawberry harvesting season.

This was our moon this morning.

In NASA terms, a full moon partial lunar eclipse.

(viewable from California)

Astrologically speaking, Lunar Eclipses are about relationships and polarities. 

In particular, today's eclipse is about communication, attitude, and our sense of adventure.  

For those of us who are interested in this stuff, 
the stars tell us that June 4th, 2012 Lunar Eclipse presses us to look more closely at our needs, lacks, and wants in our lives concerning the balance between Gemini-ruled and Sagittarius ruled areas of life. 

The Gemini represents the lower mind and the Sagittarius the higher mind.

The Gemini Sun encourages us to think logically.
The Sagittarius Moon persuades us to intuit and to think in a broader manner.

Sagittarius symbolizes the quest for meaning and ideas that go beyond the here and now.

Gemini is comfortable in his/her immediate environment.
Sagittarius stimulates us to venture beyond it.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. To yesterday's post: today we will literally be able to see Venus (the planet of love) as it crosses in front of the Sun. This hasn't happened since 2004 and it won't happen again until 2117! Even though all we SEE with our human eye is a little black dot on our bright yellow sun, what we will FEEL is the most powerful part of today's event.
