Sunday, December 30, 2012

Saying good-bye

In a few hours, we will be saying good-bye to 2012
and with it, to a lot of other things.

Usually on the last day of the year,
people is more centered on entering the new year
 than on saying good-bye to the "old" one.
It's not coincidence that my tone today is more of farewell than of welcome.

Sometimes, things happen so abruptly and unexpectedly
that our inner and outer bodies are not skilled enough to follow the speed
and it leaves you in an utter state of confusion and limbo.

And as I have been saying over the last few months
(maybe it's my 2012 final conclusion)
you have no other choice but fight for what you believe in
 and when nothing results
take life as it comes,
and hope that with time, just like the seasons pass
and we understand why fall follows summer,
you will be able to understand why certain things happen
in the way and timing that they do.

This is probably my last entry for 2012.
I will not end it on a "low" note.
I no longer know who reads me and I like that.
Thank you to that ambiguous group of readers
for another year.

I wish you a peaceful farewell 
and a hopeful welcome. 



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"She believed a great happiness awaited her somewhere, and for this reason she remained calm as the days flew by." (Gyula Krudy)

I leave in one month.
And between now and my departure date
we have the holidays:
Xmas, New Years, Los Reyes Magos
and the best shopping sale of the year (at least in Spain).

So, by the time that life comes back to normal, 
I will only have 10 days to leave my European experience
and depart to the USA...

It would be very much me 
to rush and make an evaluation of the experience
at this time.

Instead, I'll stop myself,
take a different personality,
and wait a few more weeks...

Happy Wednesday, December 19th.

I Will Wait (acoustic) - Mumford & Sons

Monday, December 10, 2012


Human What?
Human Rights What?


Just like St Valentine's, Mother's Day or Labor Day
A day fully dedicated to commemorate, celebrate, reflect and 
HOPEFULLY commit to the plight of
"those things" that although you and I may take for granted
are costing lives and much suffering around the world.

Sad that a month before St Valentine's Day
the streets and stores are decorated with red hearts and balloons
ensuring that we don't forget the day,
and that for HUMAN RIGHTS DAY
(are you hearing me? H-U-M-A-N  R-I-G-H-T-S
I am talking about YOUR RIGHTS)
there are no signs out there
to make sure that NOBODY goes on with their day
without at least KNOWING that today's IT'S YOUR DAY.

as abstract as that may sound
it's what allows you to eat, be, live, love, work and breathe freely....

(Just to name a few)

This year, 
the spotlight is on creating the structures and support

Make use of your RIGHT!

Happy Day.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Random thoughts

Greetings from Spain.  We arrived two days ago...
I don't have much to report yet.
It's been raining pretty much since we came,
so we've stayed in most of the time.

I also have a big headache
and a muscle contracture, 
so not feeling the greatest.

This morning the sun came out for a few seconds
and delighted us with this awesome rainbow

 I had never seen one this clear before.

Old feelings and memories are emerging and overwhelming me.

I want the sun to shine
literally and metaphorically.

I feel some slit of peace in being here.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Traveling the world

When I was a kid, we used to play this game.
My mom probably liked it because it was free and it kept us busy
and entertained for hours.

I loved it.

Made me feel that the world was mine,
that there were not limits.
All I needed to do was dream about it
and visualize it.

I was so good at it
that I could see myself there
and even feel what it was to be in those places.

So, here we are today.

Let's dream.

If you could:
WHERE (physical location) WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE NOW?
(Dont think, just say the first thing that comes to your mind)



in the Desert, in Palm Springs, CA

I have been there quite a number of times
and it is still as magic as the first time.

It's one of my fav spots.
It has a special energy and vibe.

And this is a perfect time in the year to be there.

Peaceful ** Warm
Quiet ** Bright
Blue sky ** Mountains
Nostalgic ** Classic

These pics are from my last trip 
Over a year ago.

Joshua Tree National Park

 I like to stay at the ACE hotel.
It's becoming a bit too hipster
but still a good hang-out
amazing fries and bloody maries

Those mountains....

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy After-Thanksgiving Day

So, things happen, right?
Good things, bad things, so-so things.

Life is not stagnant.
It's never all good,
never all bad, or never so-so.
 Life is a constant flux.

Today, it's Friday, November 23rd, 2012
the day after Thanksgiving.

I was supposed to be in Spain today.
Enjoying the 15 degree weather, a few Mahous and the good company...
 or maybe not. 
Maybe I would have been so tired and drained from the trip
that I would have been stuck in my hotel room sleeping 
and not aware of my surroundings.

The truth is that I am here.
In my kitchen table, in my NY apartment,
shipping coffee and eating some toasts with peanut butter and jelly
listening to NPR, 
 looking at Pia enjoy her limited chances to chill on the couch
and at the sun come through the windows....

Life is a real trip.

Yesterday, I didn't have the energy to get in here
and be public on my gratitude.

Carpe Diem.

Life is short.
So, while it last
I want to be present in my present.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Why always things have to be complicated?
Why life is always pushing us to places we don't want to go?

C'on, people dream because we believe our dreams can come true.

But sometimes, I wonder if having a dream-less life
would make me happier.

No expectations/no dreams
no expectations/no dreams crashed.

Feeling tired of this constant struggle
against what life brings.

Tired of having to find that maturity in me
to accept, let go and give in to life
while keeping the dream alive.

I thought I had the control...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


At around 11:15 PM (EST), it was announced that Ohio was a blue state
giving the victory to President Obama.

I have goose bumps while writing this post.

Today North Americans voted for more than a rising economy.
Today North Americans showed that a country 
moves forward 
when the rights of women, gays, youth, veterans and immigrants
move forward.

I will sleep well tonight.

I have four more years to decide my next move.


Monday, November 5, 2012


But I can't!!!

After having lived in the USA for 13 years,
financially contributed for 11
and all that comes with the above...

...this post and "poco mas" are the only chances
that I have 
to get my voice heard.

So if you are legally able to do it, 
please VOTE!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A first aid kit for funky days

Hope everyone is doing fine and keeping warm.

In NYC it's getting cold so I chose to stay indoors
immersed in books, music, coffee and different sources of inspiration and interest.

I read an insightful and timely article this morning
and wanted to leave some of its footprints on the blog so
that they could be of help at any given time.
(there is a bit for everyone)

I will call them....

A first aid kit for those funky days.

For those who get hanged up on their mistakes: 

 Sometimes mistakes must be made so wisdom can be earned."

For those who live fixated on an idea of how life should be:

 "Don’t let your struggles become your identity.  Not everything in your life will go as you expect it to.  This is why you need to drop expectations, live in the present, and go with the flow, rather than against it."   

"Ultimately, success is not something you achieve, it is what you learn and how you grow as you deal with the realities of life – it is a way of living and being."

"If things in your life aren’t happening as planned right now, that’s okay.  It just means it’s not the right time."

For those who are ready to give up:

First: Please, DON'T (do it for me)


"All of your ideas that don’t work are simply stepping stones on your way to the one idea that does."

"The white keys create your happiness and the black keys denote your troubles.  But as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys also create music"

"It’s not supposed to be easy – Just because you’re not where you want to be today doesn’t mean you won’t be there someday."

For those who need to be in control:

"In many cases, the only thing in life you have control over is your perspective.  No matter what happens, YOU control what the meaning is, and what to do with the meaning you give to the circumstance"

Keep looking ahead.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A reflection...

... after hurricane Sandy aka Frankenstorm.

I am blogging so that means that I am one of those 
who were lucky enough to live in an area 
not badly affected by the hurricane.

For us, Monday evening was still scary and full of anxiety.

But it was nothing compared to what some of our friends and 
others had to experience only a few blocks south, 
at the other side of the East River/Hudson 
and in nearby counties.

When you are in your warm, comfy apt and
see such devastation around you,
you can't help but feel enormously lucky and thankful.

Well, that's how I've been feeling over the last 48hrs.

 First and foremost, I am grateful for being unharmed and safe 
in the comfort of my apt.  

But as the hours have passed, 
I've been feeling grateful for other things that even if smaller, 
I want to make sure that are shared.
As a statement of my utter appreciation. 
  And as a reminder that not even the smaller things should be taken for granted:

Our mobile internet age: Jeez, it may annoy us at times but I swear I will never take for granted whatssapp, twitter, and facebook again. 
On Monday eve, they saved us from going insane, 
they helped us laugh and 
keep connected beyond our little apts. 
And all that felt comforting, which in moments like the one on Monday, it's priceless. 

Breeze: After being in an apt for about 36hrs straight, 
fresh air feels freaking good.  
That's what I experienced when I walked Pia on Tuesday morning. 
 I am pretty sure she agrees.

My new laptop and Iphone: I have always been an anti-tech type of girl.  
Well, not anymore. 
Amazing the power and the reach of these little things
and thankful that I can afford them. 

Movies: I've always loved movies but I now have a new "thing" for them. 
My dear Rober had sent me several movies the days before.  
In lieu of a physical human companion, 
they served as distractions, companions and 
perfect ear plugs for Pia.

Fresh-warm coffee and the egg burrito that I made on Tuesday morning @ home.

Our normal life: I usually fight off routine and look for change. 
You know? Sometimes, no change and normality is good. 

(if you also feel thankful and want to give a hand to the city of NY, 
you can email They will call you as needed)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Swimming Away

Recently I am not being that great at keeping the blog alive...
It's not easy you know?

Now it's not just blogging...
it's twittering, facebooking, emailing and instagraming...


That said, this is probably my fav spot.
The most personal of all of them.
And still my own little experiment.

I just bought my tix.

In less than a month, Pia and I will start our European adventure.

We will be living and working there for a couple of months...
a taste of what returning to my roots could be.

I am guessing that I will have more to report from there.

In the meantime, a new hurricane is approaching and with it
the NY hysteria.

The week after we will have presidential elections...

and after that preparations and final arrangements for our voyage.

Friday, October 19, 2012

A few times in my life I’ve had moments of absolute clarity when, for a few brief seconds, the silence drowns out the noise and I can feel rather than think and things seem so sharp and the world seems so fresh, it’s as though it had all just come into existence. I can never make these moments last. I cling to them, but like everything, they fade. I have lived my life on these moments. They pull me back to the present, and I realize that everything is exactly the way it was meant to be.
— Colin Firth, A Single Man (2009)

Monday, October 15, 2012


I want to share the work of Brian Ferry, a photographer based in Brooklyn
and the eye behind the blog - The Blue Hour.

His post today made a lot of sense with 
my reality today, so here I share some images
from his collection: 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Our beautiful backyard...

This summer I substituted Sandy Hook in NJ for Rockaway Beach in Queens, NY

Didn't have a chance to enjoy it as much as I would have loved to.

Below a beautiful tribute to a few favorites in my life:
the ocean, the beach, surf and powerful music,
all comprised in a short film:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Finally. October is here!

That was September...
It didn't treat us bad.  Thank you.
I guess what it brought last year has me covered for a while...


And now...
I am psyched to welcome October!!!

On the menu: Fun, sweet, loving things.

Friday, September 21, 2012

September, beginning of the Fall

"September: it was the most beautiful of words, he’d always felt, evoking orange-flowers, swallows, and regret." -- Albert Camus

I love the change of seasons
There is something special about them
something special in the air.

To me they always feel like new beginnings
new opportunities,
new sets and new adventures.

I particularly love how NYC feels this time of the year.

The mornings feel crispy and fresh
and the trees start to decor the streets with a palette of colors that I really like.

Tonight, I am seeing Bon Iver at Radio City and I'm thrilled.

The Wolves (Act I & 2) by Bon Iver on Grooveshark

Happy beginning of Fall 2012.



Monday, September 17, 2012

And She is Back

Blond, with short hair and a rather futuristic look
Cat Power is back with a new album

She is unique, intriguing
dark and sexy
Someone not easy to get
Maybe that's why I like her.

Here is a video clip for "Cherokee"
track 1 from the album.

Hope you enjoy it as I did

You can see more of her on instagram

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Charlotte Gainsbourg: I've learnt to take things in an easier way...

.... I wish I wasn't so concerned about being well managed..."

"I don't care about what people... you know, if people expect me to go in this or that direction. it's about me."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome, September 2012

After a few days of celebration
I come back recharged for a new season of

I've noticed that we are constantly encouraged,
whether it's in intimate or public spheres,
to speak up,
share how we feel,
and say what's on our minds.

It's not always easy to do
 maybe that's why Facebook, Twitter
and all the other online social media platforms have succeeded.

I sometimes find difficult to articulate things.
That's why when I see an image, hear a song or watch a film
that condenses how I feel
 or reflects a part of me that I can't articulate well,
I like to capture it.

A few days ago, I read this quote from French-Cuban author, Anaïs Nin,
that resonated and made me immediately save it.
Today, I want to share it with you.

It reflects how I feel after a journey
that continues its way.

 I couldn't have articulated it better.

"I take pleasure in my transformations.
I look quiet and consistent, but few know how many women there are in me."

I am OK with where I am.

Happy month of September.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy B-day to ....

for turning 1 year old!


I can't believe:
1 - that this pilot project has been going on for one year
2 - that so much has happened since August 24th, 2011
3 - that time flies and most of the time, we are not even conscious of it.

If we look back at the past year...

August, 25th: "Mayor Bloomberg announces that 
August 27th: Cat Power plays in NYC.

September 11th: shit starts to hit the fan 
marking the beginning of a series of painful events

At a extremely slow pace,
things began to get a tiny bit better

October 19th: I have the opportunity to re-discover Amsterdam,
October 30th: I begin to close painful chapters


November 13th: see the light.

December 19th: New travels come my way

January 1st: And with a New Year, New Opportunities.

While I didn't forget that life is an on-going process,
magical things happened...

January 30th: in the midst of winter, NYC feels warm

February 20th: and I build a new niche.

March 24th: I feel inspired once again.

April 1st: Beauty knocks my back door
and thanks to ILOSABES,
April 5th: I start to hit the road.

May 29th: A new summer is on its way
and with it
May 31st: new routes and destinations.

July 10th: I continue to remind myself, that I am part of the process
"y que las cosas de Palacio, van despacio."

August 3rd: I feel a bit wiser about the life I want to life

August 19th: and blessed about all the love in my life.

Thank you for being by my side throughout this year.

Cheers to more years to come....


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"She remembered what hope was, and this was it. That inner churning that moves you forward, plows you through life the way the boats below plowed the shiny water, the way the plane was plowing forward to a place new, and where she was needed."
Elizabeth Strout

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

easy to say but there is some truth to it....

I am impatient by nature
but the sentiment goes in crescendo
so need little helpers like the one i bumped into this morning
to keep me calm
and keep me going

Sunday, August 5, 2012

To Live Beyond the Kitchen

Over the last month, 
I've developed an extraordinary joy spending time in the kitchen.
It's never been this way.

I've been experimenting, combining ingredients and mixing flavors. 
It really has never been this way.

I've been driven to go beyond the automatic action of making food 
to simply nourish myself,
to the conscious effort of preparing food 
to appreciate its attributes and enjoy the process.
It's never been this way.

Tonight, I am making Saffron Couscous and Chickpea Salad.

What we eat can give a picture of who we are.
It can be a portrait of the way we live.

Tonight, I thought I would make this entry
and share this recipe with you.

Buen Provecho!

Saffron couscous and chickpea salad

225g couscous
½ tsp saffron strands
260ml boiling water
150g cooked chickpeas
150g cooked puy lentils
60g dried sour cherries
40g rocket leaves
4 tbsp chopped chives
4 tbsp chopped mint
3 tbsp chopped coriander
3 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped tarragon
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tbsp fennel seeds, toasted
4 tbsp olive oil
Grated zest of 2 lemons, plus 2 tbsp lemon juice
Salt and black pepper

1. Place the couscous in a shallow bowl. Add the saffron and a pinch of salt to the boiling water and pour over the couscous to cover it. Cover the bowl with cling film and set aside for 15 minutes. Remove the cling film; fluff up the couscous with a fork and leave aside until it cools down completely.

2. Transfer the couscous into a large mixing bowl and add the chickpeas, lentils and sour cherries and toss everything well. Next, add the rocket, herbs, garlic, fennel seeds, olive oil and lemon zest. Stir again and add salt and pepper to taste.

3. You can serve the salad straight away or chill it for up to 24 hours; the flavors actually improve over time. Before serving, bring back to room temperature and add the lemon juice.

Friday, August 3, 2012


Can't believe it's August already...
Summer is almost half-way through and
I haven't had a chance to properly enjoy it.

I miss how summer used to be.

Those long days at the beach
 not having to worry about anything
not knowing what an alarm
 or the meaning of responsibilities was.

Being able to pleasurably enjoy the sun and the hot temperatures
Feeling the skin getting tan
and eating ice-creams at night.

I truly miss that.

I need a change in my life.
I know I have been saying it for a while but
as the time passes, the urge increases.

I want a different life-style not just a change in my job.

I want a life that allows me to breathe and live slowly,
 that allows me to spend quality time with those whom I love,
that allows me to walk slowly and be aware of the passing of time.

 A life that allows me to live summer again.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Worth Every Second

"Rolling in the Deep"(Adele)
by father (Jorge Narvaez) and daughter (Alexa Narvaez)

Will make you smile


Saturday, July 28, 2012

I's been so long

I am sorry for being M.I.A.
not sure why. I could think of several reasons -
the humidity, the yearning for caffeine, for beer and for loved ones
or maybe just a lack of inspiration.

Not sure.

Below a few things that have been occupying my mind nowadays
 (in order of priority):

1. Coffee

2. Tenderness

3. Finishing Up Projects

4. Summer Vacation

5. Long Overdue Photography Class

6. New Tattoo

7. Mad Men

8. New Splash of Color 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Source of Inspiration

In the past few days I have been quite inspired and intrigued by this blog....

One day soon, once a few things are taken care of,
I hope to be the one living and blogging about these adventures.

In the meantime, I live them through others
and share them in here in case they help you get inspired.