Sunday, December 30, 2012

Saying good-bye

In a few hours, we will be saying good-bye to 2012
and with it, to a lot of other things.

Usually on the last day of the year,
people is more centered on entering the new year
 than on saying good-bye to the "old" one.
It's not coincidence that my tone today is more of farewell than of welcome.

Sometimes, things happen so abruptly and unexpectedly
that our inner and outer bodies are not skilled enough to follow the speed
and it leaves you in an utter state of confusion and limbo.

And as I have been saying over the last few months
(maybe it's my 2012 final conclusion)
you have no other choice but fight for what you believe in
 and when nothing results
take life as it comes,
and hope that with time, just like the seasons pass
and we understand why fall follows summer,
you will be able to understand why certain things happen
in the way and timing that they do.

This is probably my last entry for 2012.
I will not end it on a "low" note.
I no longer know who reads me and I like that.
Thank you to that ambiguous group of readers
for another year.

I wish you a peaceful farewell 
and a hopeful welcome. 



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