Sunday, August 28, 2011

Time para aculturarme

Among other things, Irene gave me some quality time
to read.
After three months (shame on me)
I finished
"The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character and Achievement"

A good libro de referencia
for those interested in emotional intelligence
and human behavior.

A few things that caught my attention
and helped me understand un poco mas:

"Maturity means understanding, as much as possible, the different characters and modules that are active inside your head."

And for those of us committed to
social change:

"Technical knowledge alone would not change behaviour. Raising awareness is necessary but insufficient...moral and cultural knowledge, the kind of knowledge that changes lives,
viewpoints, and morality, and through those larger patterns alters the unconscious basis
of behaviour."

Next sources of aculturamiento:

Material para mi projecto


Material para my full enjoyment


  1. I also want to share with you my new source of aculturamiento: 'Entre Nous: A Woman´s Guide to Finding her Inner French Girl':

  2. yo quiero ser espanol, espanol, espanol!
