Sunday, November 25, 2012

Traveling the world

When I was a kid, we used to play this game.
My mom probably liked it because it was free and it kept us busy
and entertained for hours.

I loved it.

Made me feel that the world was mine,
that there were not limits.
All I needed to do was dream about it
and visualize it.

I was so good at it
that I could see myself there
and even feel what it was to be in those places.

So, here we are today.

Let's dream.

If you could:
WHERE (physical location) WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE NOW?
(Dont think, just say the first thing that comes to your mind)



in the Desert, in Palm Springs, CA

I have been there quite a number of times
and it is still as magic as the first time.

It's one of my fav spots.
It has a special energy and vibe.

And this is a perfect time in the year to be there.

Peaceful ** Warm
Quiet ** Bright
Blue sky ** Mountains
Nostalgic ** Classic

These pics are from my last trip 
Over a year ago.

Joshua Tree National Park

 I like to stay at the ACE hotel.
It's becoming a bit too hipster
but still a good hang-out
amazing fries and bloody maries

Those mountains....

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy After-Thanksgiving Day

So, things happen, right?
Good things, bad things, so-so things.

Life is not stagnant.
It's never all good,
never all bad, or never so-so.
 Life is a constant flux.

Today, it's Friday, November 23rd, 2012
the day after Thanksgiving.

I was supposed to be in Spain today.
Enjoying the 15 degree weather, a few Mahous and the good company...
 or maybe not. 
Maybe I would have been so tired and drained from the trip
that I would have been stuck in my hotel room sleeping 
and not aware of my surroundings.

The truth is that I am here.
In my kitchen table, in my NY apartment,
shipping coffee and eating some toasts with peanut butter and jelly
listening to NPR, 
 looking at Pia enjoy her limited chances to chill on the couch
and at the sun come through the windows....

Life is a real trip.

Yesterday, I didn't have the energy to get in here
and be public on my gratitude.

Carpe Diem.

Life is short.
So, while it last
I want to be present in my present.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Why always things have to be complicated?
Why life is always pushing us to places we don't want to go?

C'on, people dream because we believe our dreams can come true.

But sometimes, I wonder if having a dream-less life
would make me happier.

No expectations/no dreams
no expectations/no dreams crashed.

Feeling tired of this constant struggle
against what life brings.

Tired of having to find that maturity in me
to accept, let go and give in to life
while keeping the dream alive.

I thought I had the control...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


At around 11:15 PM (EST), it was announced that Ohio was a blue state
giving the victory to President Obama.

I have goose bumps while writing this post.

Today North Americans voted for more than a rising economy.
Today North Americans showed that a country 
moves forward 
when the rights of women, gays, youth, veterans and immigrants
move forward.

I will sleep well tonight.

I have four more years to decide my next move.


Monday, November 5, 2012


But I can't!!!

After having lived in the USA for 13 years,
financially contributed for 11
and all that comes with the above...

...this post and "poco mas" are the only chances
that I have 
to get my voice heard.

So if you are legally able to do it, 
please VOTE!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A first aid kit for funky days

Hope everyone is doing fine and keeping warm.

In NYC it's getting cold so I chose to stay indoors
immersed in books, music, coffee and different sources of inspiration and interest.

I read an insightful and timely article this morning
and wanted to leave some of its footprints on the blog so
that they could be of help at any given time.
(there is a bit for everyone)

I will call them....

A first aid kit for those funky days.

For those who get hanged up on their mistakes: 

 Sometimes mistakes must be made so wisdom can be earned."

For those who live fixated on an idea of how life should be:

 "Don’t let your struggles become your identity.  Not everything in your life will go as you expect it to.  This is why you need to drop expectations, live in the present, and go with the flow, rather than against it."   

"Ultimately, success is not something you achieve, it is what you learn and how you grow as you deal with the realities of life – it is a way of living and being."

"If things in your life aren’t happening as planned right now, that’s okay.  It just means it’s not the right time."

For those who are ready to give up:

First: Please, DON'T (do it for me)


"All of your ideas that don’t work are simply stepping stones on your way to the one idea that does."

"The white keys create your happiness and the black keys denote your troubles.  But as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys also create music"

"It’s not supposed to be easy – Just because you’re not where you want to be today doesn’t mean you won’t be there someday."

For those who need to be in control:

"In many cases, the only thing in life you have control over is your perspective.  No matter what happens, YOU control what the meaning is, and what to do with the meaning you give to the circumstance"

Keep looking ahead.